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Snell David were approached by the landowner in 2017 to establish whether the meadow that fronted Linton Rd could be used for village housing. The site lay outside the village envelope but adjoined it and as South Cambs District Council were unable to show that they had a 5 year land supply for new housing, they were obliged to consider alternative sites. The scheme had full village support and planning approval for the layout was granted in 2019.


The concept behind the proposals was to create a low density, inclusive layout with varying sizes and tenures of property all facing a common space. In effect, this is to reflect the typical cross section of the residents of the Abingtons. To reinforce the concept, all units share a simple palette of high-quality external materials and traditional detailing.


There are 15 dwellings in total comprising 1 -2 bed flats and 2-4 bed houses of which there are 46% ‘affordable’ units (comprising low-cost starter homes and Council rental).


Photography – Justin Paget


Award-winning architects London Cambridge residential offering a personalised sustainable service
Royal Institute of British Architects
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